Get started

You won’t regret it!

Getting started with investing and trading may seem intimidating, but with The Truth's expert guidance your portfolio will grow faster than you could have ever expected. Learn all the skills and confidence needed to generate extra income with ease. Pretty soon, a trading will be the best part of your week!

Become Successful

You won’t regret it!

The path to becoming an expert investor and trader takes dedication and time, but if you put your mind to it, you'll have no problem becoming one of the best. What are you waiting for?


  • 1

    Rookie Season

    • No More Sunday Coaching Calls for this course

    • Disclaimer

    • Please Join the FB Group

    • Welcome To Black Wealth Matters

    • Please Use the Discussion for any questions you may have on a specific video

    • Stocks 101

    • Charting

    • Opening a Brokerage Account (For U.S Citizen only)

    • Brokerage Account Sign Up Link

    • The 6 Truth's of Trading

    • Trade with Truth

    • Trading Psychology

  • 2

    Veteran Season

    • Options

    • How to Use Etrade

    • How to Paper Trade

  • 3

    Equipment Shed

    • What I use to Scalp

    • Site for Up-to-Date News

    • Best Site for Researching Stocks

    • Trading Journal

  • 4

    Game Film

    • Sunday Coaching Call January 11th, 2021

    • Sunday Coaching Call January 17th, 2021

    • Sunday Coaching Call Jan. 30th, 2021

    • Sunday Coaching Call Jan. 24th, 2021

    • Scalping

About Your Instructor

ROI Coach

Christon Jones

This is the instructor section. You can use this space to tell and show your students who you are and why you're the perfect person to teach the course you're offering. You can talk about your work and education history, and really anything else that shows off who you are so your students get excited about learning from you. You're the expert after all, this is your chance to shine!


Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Great for Beginners and Novice investors

  • How to Easily Find Great Companies

  • Learn how to Trade Options (Calls or Puts)

  • Learn how to make money in any market direction

  • How to Create another source of passive income.

  • Wealth building and income generating skills



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